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State Laws Regarding Disabled Students

Under IDEA, states that receive federal funding must conduct an approved plan for meeting guidelines in educating disabled students. Accordingly, each state has enacted a statute designed to assure compliance with guidelines. A brief summary of these statutes is as follows:

ALABAMA: The statute related to education for exceptional children is located in title 16 of the Alabama Code.

ALASKA: The statute related to education for exceptional children is located in title 14 of the Alaska Statutes.

ARIZONA: The statute related to special education for exceptional children is located in title 15 of the Arizona Revised Statutes.

ARKANSAS: The statute related to education for handicapped children is located in title 6 of the Arkansas Code.

CALIFORNIA: The statute related to special education programs is located in the California Education Code.

COLORADO: The Handicapped Children’s Education Act is located in title 22 of the Colorado Revised Statutes.

CONNECTICUT: The Exceptional Children Act is located in title 10 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

DELAWARE: The statute related to education for exceptional and handicapped students is located in title 14 of the Delaware Code.

FLORIDA: The statute related to instruction of exceptional students is located in chapter 1003 of the Florida Statutes.

GEORGIA: The statute related to special education services is located in title 20 of the Georgia Code.

HAWAII: The statute related to education for exceptional children is located in chapter 301 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes.

IDAHO: The statute related to education of handicapped or others unable to attend school is located in title 33 of the Idaho Code.

ILLINOIS: The statute related to the education of disabled children is located in chapter 105 of the Illinois Compiled Statutes.

INDIANA: The statute related to special education programs is located in title 20 of the Indiana Code.

IOWA: The statute related to education of children requiring special education is contained in chapter 281 of the Iowa Code.

KANSAS: The Special Education for Exceptional Children Act is located in title 72 of the Kansas Statutes.

KENTUCKY: The statute related to special education programs is located in title 157 of the Kentucky Revised Statutes.

LOUISIANA: The statutes related to education opportunities for exceptional children is located in title 17 of the Louisiana Revised Statutes.

MAINE: The statute related to education for exceptional children is located in title 20-A of the Maine Revised Statutes.

MARYLAND: The statute related to compensatory education for disadvantaged and handicapped children is contained in the Maryland Education Code.

MASSACHUSETTS: The statute related to education of children with special needs is located in chapter 71B of the Massachusetts Laws.

MICHIGAN: The statute related to special education programs for the handicapped is located in chapter 380 of the Michigan Compiled Laws.

MINNESOTA: The statute related to special education for handicapped children is located in chapter 120 of the Minnesota Statutes.

MISSISSIPPI: The statute related to education for exceptional children is located in title 37 of the Mississippi Code.

MISSOURI: The statute related to special educational services for handicapped children is located in chapter 162 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.

MONTANA: The statute related to special education programs for handicapped children is located in title 20 of the Montana Code.

NEBRASKA: The statute related to special education is located in chapter 79 of the Nebraska Revised Statutes.

NEVADA: The statute related to education of handicapped minors is located in chapter 388 of the Nevada Revised Statutes.

NEW HAMPSHIRE: The statute related to programs of special education is located in chapter 186-C of the New Hampshire Revised Statutes.

NEW JERSEY: The statute related to classes and facilities for handicapped children is located in title 18A of the New Jersey Statutes.

NEW MEXICO: The statute related to special education for exceptional children is located in chapter 22 of the New Mexico Statutes.

NEW YORK: The statute related to children with handicapping conditions is located in sections 4401 et seq. of the New York Education Law.

NORTH CAROLINA: The statute related to special education programs is located in chapter 115C of the North Carolina General Statutes.

NORTH DAKOTA: The statute related to special education of exceptional children is located in title 15 of the North Dakota Century Code.

OHIO: The statute related to the education of handicapped children is located in chapter 3323 of the Ohio Revised Code.

OKLAHOMA: The statute related to special education for exceptional children is located in title 70 of the Oklahoma Statutes.

OREGON: The statute related to special education services is located in chapter 343 of the Oregon Revised Statutes.

PENNSYLVANIA: The statute related to education of exceptional children is located in title 24 of the Pennsylvania Statutes.

RHODE ISLAND: The statute related to education of handicapped children is located in title 16 of the Rhode Island General Laws.

SOUTH CAROLINA: The statute related to special education for handicapped children is located in title 59 of the South Carolina Code.

SOUTH DAKOTA: The statute related to special and prolonged educational assistance is located in title 13 of the South Dakota Codified Laws.

TENNESSEE: The statute related to special education programs is located in title 49 of the Tennessee Code.

TEXAS: The statute related to special education programs is located in the Texas Education Code.

UTAH: The statute related to the education of handicapped children is located in the Utah Code.

VERMONT: The statute related to education of handicapped children is located in title 16 of the Vermont Statutes.

VIRGINIA: The statute related to special education programs is located in title 22.1 of the Virginia Code.

WASHINGTON: The statute related to special education for handicapped children is located in title 28A of the Washington Revised Code.

WEST VIRGINIA: The statute related to education of exceptional children is located in title 18 of the West Virginia Code.

WISCONSIN: The statute related to children with exceptional needs is located in chapter 115 of the Wisconsin Statutes.

WYOMING: The statute related to programs for handicapped children is located in title 21 of the Wyoming Statutes.

Inside State Laws Regarding Disabled Students